You’ve made the decision. You’ve elected to implement VoIP so your organization can reap the cost savings and productivity enhancements VoIP makes possible.
If you’ve already implemented VoIP, Emerald’s technical staff can help you leverage and maintain it. We have experience supporting most leading VoIP systems, including HP, Asterisk, Cisco, Allworx and ShoreTel. Emerald can provide full-service support for your existing VoIP system or selected services to augment your existing IT staff, including:
- Programming
- Hardware
- Troubleshooting
- Moves, Adds, Changes
- System Updates
- System Backups
- Disaster Recovery
- Telecom Room Cleanup
If you have not yet implemented VoIP, Emerald can help you evaluate your VoIP options and identify the right system for your business. We can also implement the system, train your staff and provide ongoing support.
Contact us today to learn more about Emerald’s award-winning VoIP implementation and support services. |